Randy Alcorn
“I am a strong believer in biblically responsible investing, and I commend Dwight Short for drawing attention to this vitally important subject.”

Cathy Ann Norris 
Profit or principles. Oftentimes when faced with decision making and these two words are in the mix, profits will tend to win out. In this quick read, Dwight Short, engages the reader by taking them on a journey with Todd & Elise. This mid-life, successful couple discover, by the help of a stranger, that at least one of their investments supports something they really don't want to support. Much to their chagrin this new awareness brought with it some uneasiness. They found themselves wrestling with what to do. As a reader, I was wrestling right along with them, just as you may too. I'm giving the book 4 stars only because I am awaiting the sequel. I wonder how Todd & Elise and their current financial advisor will come to resolve this wrestling match? How would you handle this? Which do you think will win profits or principles or could it be both?

Dwight Short takes us on a journey with a couple who find out that their investments support causes that don't match their values. Many of us don't stop to think about the causes that our investments might be supporting in this complex, interconnected world. In the process of the journey with the couple we meet in the book, we are all encouraged and challenged to evaluate our own investment strategy. After all, we don't want to unwittingly support those things that undermine the very foundations of our society. Dwight has distilled the truths regard Biblically Responsible Investing in an entertaining and engaging way. He's discipling followers of Christ to steward all our resources in a way that will help us hear "Well done." This book is a solid investment in your discipleship portfolio.

Dwight does a great job communicating the heart of Biblically Responsible Investing in a quick allegory. Some of the best business books I've read were Kne Blanchard's allegories. They were brief so you could read them in a day or two, but they always communicated the point exceptionally well. Dwight has accomplished the same here. Well done, Dwight.

Profit or Principles
Investing without Compromise

by Dwight Short
Austin Brothers
To Download eBook edition of "Profit or Principles" click here
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